Monday, May 28, 2007

Tomorrow Is Another Day

It's the end of another three-day weekend. My house looks like a tornado has come through. I haven't gotten around to washing or putting sheets back on any of our beds so we might have to sleep on the floor tonight. So what am I doing, you ask? Laundry, dishes, scripture reading? Oh no, none of that. I think I'll just eat a bowl of ice cream. Blue Bell Delta Blues to be exact because I really do need all of those extra fattening calories at 10:00 p.m.

Tomorrow is another day and I'm sure I'll be so much healthier and productive then. I love procrastination.

(The ice cream picture is not the best because, really, who only has a tiny scoop of ice cream like that? Certainly not anyone who would ever eat ice cream late at night. But I'm too lazy to search much more for a better pic. And I'm still slightly blue over the ending to Pirates which I will post about later.)