Hey everyone, so I thought I ought to check back into Planet Earth. Enough floating along in outer space. Or maybe not. I don't know. I still feel kind of out to lunch these days. More on that in a couple days.
Anyway, you guys are so nice to still check up on me, lazy lazy blogger that I am. Well, I had to share something that happened today because it keeps making me laugh. Emma's been a little sick with fever so I was trying to find some chewable Vitamin C tablets. I'm actually looking for the white chalky cherry tablets my mom used to give me when I was a kid. Did anyone else have those? HEB didn't stock them, so I decided to try GNC.
I go inside GNC and of course I'm the only person in their very small, you-can't-hide-from-the-salesperson-in-here store. I'm greeted by a very enthusiastic Indian/Sri Lankan/Malaysian? gentleman who is quite eager to help me. We finally get it straight that no, I'm not looking for him or for calcium but yes, Vitamin C. However, there wasn't too much in the way of choices. When I explained that they didn't have what I was looking for, he says, "Well, you're losing your hair. Would you like something for that?" I don't even know if I responded. I was so aghast. What?! Am I really losing my hair? Or worse, do I look like I'm losing my hair??! So he showed me some bottle that he says he gives to his son because his son has the same problem. It was something starting with a "b." Needless to say, I did not buy anything at GNC today.
So here could be me in a few weeks if I don't go back and buy that vitamin supplement:

Now I've never had a lot of hair in the first place but it hasn't been coming out in any extraordinary amount lately. I'm just going to feel better about this by telling myself that Mr. Salesman comes from a race of people who generally have lots and lots of hair. Next to him, of course it would look like I have a hair problem. And Mr. Salesman probably was not raised in America which means that (based on my limited experiences living abroad) he grew up in a non-American culture where it's ok to be totally honest. It's all good to point someone out as the fat one or the one with acne or the one who's losing her hair. No one's offended. That's just the way it is.
But seriously, am I really losing my hair? Friends, you can tell me. Think of it like parsley in your teeth or an undone zipper.