Here's me in twenty years with my lovely hunched back and old-lady cane. Nice yellow outfit, eh? And since there are cobblestones in the picture, maybe that means I get to go back to visit Europe.

My mom of course always told me to stand up straight. Now Michael has been doing the same thing. But good posture is just such an unnatural thing for me. It's like me saying to myself, "Ok, now I'm only going to think good thoughts." Really, how long does that last? Not very. I'm not saying I don't want good posture. Of course I do. But why does it have to be so uncomfortable?
Still I must work on good posture because I really do not want to be a hunchback. And my back is so achy lately. It just feels like it needs a good stretch. So last night as I was lying in my bed around midnight wishing I could be asleep and/or could eat barbeque, I started thinking about some back exercises that might help.
I tried this one today and um, I think I need a bit of practice yet. It's not as easy as it looks. This girl is just showing off to tell you the truth.

But surely I could do this one, right? How old is that girl anyway? If she can do it, so can I?! Hmmm. This one felt a little like it was part of a torture sequence. This girl is showing off too. No fair since kids are so much more limber.

Well, maybe I just need to start with some equipment like this:
Or if I really want to get serious, how about this?
Or how about let's just forget about good posture and go eat Salt Lick this Saturday. Anyone?