I guess it's about time I got around to posting some pictures of my new little guy. Isaiah Matthew was born on March 4th and weighed in at 8 lb., 6 oz. and was 21 1/2 inches long. He was a week late--obviously, someone forgot to tell him that the whole in-utero thing is supposed to be a 40-week deal, not 41...or 42 as he seemed to be going for. Isaiah let us know that he wasn't too happy about being evicted by peeing on everyone as soon as he appeared.
Here's my little family. This is the only decent picture we got of all of us together and then I had to go and ruin it by flipping off the camera. Can someone photoshop this for me?

Oh baby love, why are you so sweet? Probably so your mommy will keep you alive when you insist on eating every two hours around the clock.

My two little boys. Evan is excited to have a new little brother. Can't you tell?

Here's my mom holding Isaiah. Can I just say I have the best moms in the world! I was lucky enough to have both my mother-in-law and my mom come down to help me. If only they didn't have to leave...sigh, sigh. The kids have had so much fun spending time with their grandmothers.