Also answers to: Grabby Hands, Stinky Pants, Buddy Man
Have you seen this kid? If so, beware! This is one dangerous little boy. If he tries to give you his flirty smile and endearing giggle, don't be taken in. Given the chance, this kid will wreak havoc faster than a herd of buffalos stampeding through your house.
What? You've never had buffalos stampede through your house? Alright, use your imagination on this one. One sunny morning you open your front door to get your newspaper or go for a run or take the kids to school when suddenly three dozen buffalos run inside. What happens next? Yes, you are right. They will not be tidy and polite and remember to wipe their feet. No, they will leave dirty footprints all over the place. They might break your vases and TV and electronic equipment. They might knock over the table and eat all your breakfast and breakfast dishes. They might gore your couches or your kids. In short, they will leave the place a disaster.
I'm not saying this kid is on the same destructive level as buffalos. Not yet. But he is working on it. Fast.
Here are just a few of the felonies this kid is wanted for in two cities:
1. Breaking Grandma's Christ in Gethsemane statue (Who would have thought he could pull that table down all by himself and send said statue flying down the stairs, two inches out of Mom's reach who was already trying to catch the table and the baby?)
2. Dispensing hand soap on his aunt's carpet (Which was immediately steam cleaned by MJ who suddenly turned domestic and ended up steam cleaning and spot treating the rest of the room for the next three hours. Go figure.)
3. Knocking his Mom in the face with a very heavy keyboard this morning (No comment. Grrrrrr.)
I don't know what it is about this kid. He seems much more destructive than his older siblings were at that age. Is it his own mischievous nature? Is it the fact that as a third child he is the beneficiary of less parental supervision? Or is he simply aided and abetted by his older sister and brother who often leave the tools of destruction right in his path?
Any advice for what to do with a kid like this?
Boys I tell ya!!! He sure is adorable though.
Lots of physical activity! Maybe it's a 2nd son thing. My 2nd son, well, I've never met anyone like him before in my life!! So physical! When he was a toddler, I just had to play with him, tickle him, hold him upside down, and turn him around in circles, and basically keep moving him around repeatedly until he had had enough and was calm. Thank God I could walk back then! :-) Now, he's finally big enough to stay active on his own, so it's just a matter of keeping him occupied with sports, activities, projects, and piano playing to keep him BUSY. If we leave him alone too long, someone and/or something WILL get hurt. It's 11am, and it's already happened today twice. He sent his brother to the emergency room 2 weeks ago. But, if he plays sports, goes swimming, or goes to the park, then he's a lot more calm and less destructive the rest of the day. Seriously, I get that "idle hands are the..." saying now. Keep little boys busy and they break things and injure other people a little less. Good luck Kasey!! And I love the house. Great choice!
Ha ha! I had to read this to Matt- We respond to claims from Samantha every hour that Levi is "destructing her things. He now answers to "Destructo." I would say we have to get them together, but that may be dangerous!
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