As I was packing up my house tonight, I thought of the old cliche: You can't take it with you when you go--supposing, I imagine, that when you pass on to your reward, you can't take any earthly possessions with you. To this I say, "Thank heavens for that!
Packing and clearing out closets and drawers lately has made me wonder how in the world I have accumulated so much stuff. I've always thought I was pretty good at getting rid of things but the masses of boxes in my living room tell otherwise. Being free of all the junk is definitely one positive for dying. Honestly, I think when a person dies they get the better deal. They get to go on up to the spirit* in the sky (as the song goes) while the rest of us down here are left to sort through and pack up all the junk they left behind.
So to all my family and friends, I'm going to make it easy on you. When I pass on, just put all my stuff in one big pile and burn it. See, how easy is that? Pick out anything you want and then just torch it. Have a bonfire party and roast some brats and marshmallows and I'll be with you in spirit.
Ok, ok there might be a few things I don't want to be rid of just yet. I probably should be rid of them so I could be more productive but where would the joy in life be? What things are on your must-have list? Mine include my computer, my bed, my DVD of North and South. Yes, I was re-watching it again today when I should have been packing. Actually, I was watching Katie's DVD because mine is packed. I must admit I am once again in love with Mr. Thornton. Sigh.
Anyway, this talk of packing has probably prompted some questions. Here are the answers:
Yes, we sold our house.
We have to be out of it in about a week.
No, we don't have a new house to move into. Each time we put an offer in, the sellers refuse to sell it to us.
We might get an apartment or we might travel for a while. We've been talking about parents' houses, Florida, Mexico, the British isles.
Well, that's about it. Yes, this has definitely been another strange and random post brought to you by My Other Job Is With the CIA.
*For you gospel scholars, yes, yes I know that the Spirit in the sky is technically not a spirit but has a glorified body of flesh and bones. But that would kind of ruin the catchiness of the song, don't you think? Hmmm, was this how false doctrine crept into the early Church? To make the pop music of the day easier to sing?