Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I decided to try to catch up a little on my blog at the request of family members who were wanting to see some more pictures of the kids.

Here they are at Halloween: Princess Leia, Obi-Wan Kenobi and R2D2. Isn't R2 so cute? And he kept that hat on for me the whole time--probably because he soon realized that if he kept the hat on people would give him candy. Seriously, each time I turned around that kid had another sucker in his mouth.

Here's the family shot: Michael is Cowboy Darth Vader, I guess. I mean, jeans and cowboy boots? Sigh. Not that my costume is any better. By the time I'm finished with the kids' costumes there's no steam left. I have on a Jedi robe so I guess I'm supposed to be a Jedi master. Pathetic. At least the kids are cute.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

You look beautiful.