This is what I have to say about TV now. I love TV. I love that when I make dinner and my kids are screaming at me and trying to sneak food from the pantry and pulling at my pants, I can turn on the magic button and there is silence and happiness for all.
And the next thing I love about TV is DVR. Love love you DVR!
DVR has made possible my latest TV show obsession: Design on a Dime. I know I'm probably late to the party in expressing my love for this show but better late than never, as they say. The premise of this show is that a design team of three takes a room in someone's house and completely redecorates it for $1000 or less. They almost always pull out the heavy tools to create new furniture or art or accessories. I love the creativity they have and the way they take ordinary materials or thrift store/garage sale finds and make them amazing.

MJ is afraid I'm making them gay. I'm just well rounding them.
This show is going to help me take it to a whole new level. I've finally worn MJ down. He didn't blink an eye when he came home to find I'd been using some of his saws. He even offered, without grumbling or possessiveness, to show me how to use the router. It was amazing.
I have lots of projects lined up now, which really isn't good because it's not like I don't have 27 other things I should be doing instead. And since it's my modus operandi to take anything I get obsessed with to the maximum limit, I'm probably going to be neglectful of everything else in my life for a while.
Emails and phone calls will go unanswered. My kids might not get baths for a week. Cereal might be served for dinner. If I don't blog for a loooong time, please understand.
I can not WAIT to see what you come up with. Please post pictures, or even better, how to's. I got out the saw this weekend and remembered just how much I like power tools. Although it was just a simple straight cut, nothing too exciting.
Okay--love the whole HHGTV channel (and I am secretly obsessed with winning the dream home every year, haven't won yet, but if I do--will you come visit me in it?) Anyhow--Remington likes to watch these kind of shows with me and he is always making comments about what we can do to our house to make it look like such and such on such and such show. Love it.
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