Thursday, August 18, 2011

Help Me Obi Wan Kenobi, You're My Only Hope

I keep finding random Star Wars guys sitting in bowls of ice in my freezer. Who is this guy anyway? Can someone please help him?

This seems to be Evan's new thing. It's not just Star Wars guys either. I'm finding frozen Legos too. He's very obsessed with it. It's a little strange but not as strange as when I used to open closet doors and find Barbies hanging by their heads. And that was an Emma thing. Never a dull moment around here.


Tiffany said...

AWESOME! :-) Our girlies went through a (short) phase where they froze polly pockets... but I have to say I think the Star Wars guys are better. I'll have to make sure our boys do NOT see this post, or our freezer will quickly be filled, too...

Lena said...

I love the Evanator.