I'm pretty last-century with technology, my computer and email being the one exception. We don't own a television so anytime I go to someone's home with five different remote controls, I stare at them like a deer in the headlights and then pass on the TV-watching option. Too much trouble. Texting annoys me and I'm not too hip on phones either. Michael just went to get an iPhone today and refused to take me with him because he said I was lacking the proper excitement. All I want in a phone is something that does phone calls. And why would I want to pay out buckos for something I can't find most of the time either? Yes, I'm very happy paying no more than $15 a month to be on my family's plan.
Am I seriously going to be that crotchey old woman griping about all these new-fangled technologies some day? Bemoaning the breakdown in social interaction and the art of written discourse? Probably.
But I did venture into the 21st century the other day to try out digital scrapbooking. I've been having so much fun lately with a free trial version of IScrapbook, a digital scrapbooking application for Macs. I keep a photo album/scrapbook for each of my kids but lately the old-fashioned scrapbook process times three has been quite daunting. I'm hoping this speeds up the process and saves me time and money and that huge mound of pictures and cardstock paper. Does anybody else do digital scrapbooking? I would love any tips, hints, helpful Web sites to check out. Or does anyone have advice for printing their pages?
You may already know this, but Costco does great 12x12 or 8x8 prints. Also, there is a TON of free digi scrap kits you can download to use. Here's a fun place to start for freebies:
I want to do the same thing, but then have it printed into a hard bound book. Any ideas? There is a website called Blurb.com that I have made a family book on, but the templates are boring. I want something that looks more like a scrapbook. I'm tech challenged too!
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