For all of you with a Deseret Industries thrift store in your state, I thought I would let you know that they don't sell gift cards for their store. Just in case you were wondering, trying to find something super special for your Valentine. The answer is no. Nope. Nada. So save yourself a trip and try somewhere else instead. If you don't know what DI is, it's like a Goodwill or Salvation Army but it's owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I came across this disappointing piece of news several weeks ago when I was talking to my mom over Christmas break. My sister Becky was trying to figure out what to get my dad for Christmas. Let me tell you a little bit about my dad. He is the most kind-hearted generous man I know. His favorite restaurant is McDonalds. He likes to exercise at Walmart by doing laps around the store while reading the "trash" magazines. And he loves loves loves shopping at the thrift stores. He would absolutely adore a gift card to DI. If you gave him the choice of a gift card from one of these three places: Nordstrom, an expensive restaurant and DI, he would take DI hands down. That's just the great guy that he is, bless his heart.
So my mom said something like this to Becky, "Well, your dad loves shopping at DI. Why don't you get him a gift card there?"
And Becky said something like, "Why not? I'll hop in the car right now and go get me one of those little babies." And she really did. So Becksters pulled up to the store, walked inside and said to the cashier, "Hi, I'd like to buy a gift card."
The cashier just burst out laughing.
So sadly, there you have it. No gift cards! Can you even believe that? They are losing out on some big-time opportunities, I tell you what. Well, I hope this was helpful for someone out there, maybe saved someone a trip. At the very least, it gave me a good laugh.