Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Parenting Advice

Let me tell you about my lovely afternoon at the post office today. While Emma was at gymnastics, I ran to the post office to mail something and pick up an express for Michael (which by the way was not very express as it had been sent over a week ago--thank you efficient United States Postal Service).

It was just me and the two boys. Evan was behaving remarkably well but Isaiah was in complete meltdown mode. No amount of bouncing or switching positions was working. I tried not to make eye contact with too many annoyed customers and blow it off by saying that he just didn't like waiting in line. This might be true. After all, it makes me want to howl when I have to wait in those excruciatingly slow postal lines.

So as I was waiting, some lady came up to me and handed me a piece of paper on which she had written: Quantum Touch, Richard Gordon. "You should check this out," she said, indicating my screaming infant.

I'm sure she is a very kind woman. I'm sure she meant well. But this sort of rubbed me the wrong way today.

Now if I were a humble, teachable gal, one who was slow to anger and willing to receive instruction, I would probably be thinking now, "Oh, thank you so much kind lady. You are right. I need the wisdom that quantum touch offers. My baby is howling not because I had to wake him up to take my daughter to gymnastics or because he needs a diaper change or because he's coming up on a feeding soon but because I am inept as a mother. If only I knew how to create a high vibrational field of life-force energy and direct that healing energy on him, he would be calm. Thank you for showing me the way to Richard Gordon."

And I would be telling all of you pathetic, negligent mothers whose children also scream and misbehave in public to get it together and learn how to amplify your chi so you can shut those kids up because they're driving everyone crazy.

But I am not humble or teachable so I am not thinking or saying any of this with anything but sarcasm. I know, I know it's not very Sunday School of me to be that way but at least I'm honest about it.

I am also by nature a skeptic, so these types of approaches to healing usually leave me doubting. However, because I think she did mean well and because some of you may have a little more faith than me, here's the link: http://www.quantumtouch.com/.

Get back to me if it works. But please, not when my baby is screaming.


Anonymous said...

Oh, your Quantum Touch story here is really amusing. Luckily no one has tried something stupid with me like this one. Although I had some idiot pull some bad driving in front of me where I had to swerve around him for the safety of my family and our car. He actually followed me to the grocery store and tried to lecture me on it. Let's just say it was evident that I was the only one who had any driver's education in the past.

Wendy said...

You are hilarious! Everytime I read your blog it makes me laugh! If only I had known this side of you sooner, I wouldn't have felt like I missed out! You are too funny! I think I would have done the same thing if someone handed me a piece of paper with some advice on it. I may have asked her to show me how to do it and given her the baby. That would have shut her up!

Unknown said...

can i just say that i HATE people that do stuff like that? seriously! everyone should just mind their own business.

Ashlee said...

if she was a kind hearted woman, as you are assuming, then she would have said 'can i hold your baby for you while you do what you need to do'. What a wench!

The James Family said...

I have actually read about this theory and it really helps, Kasey. I dont want to sound rude, but maybe just maybe it could work for you. hehe

Jamie Martin said...

Oh, Kasey... I had to take a deep breath just reading about your post office visit. Congratulations are in order for your restraint? And by the way, I wonj't be reading up on this theory because I can only assume that this poor woman must be unshakably altered; it's clear she's not now a mother with more than one small child (and bless those children if she ever was).

Sheree said...

What is about the post office? My children always have break downs in that place and the lines in Austin are unbelievable! kudos to you for even going there-

Kathy said...

So did she leave a name and a contact number so that you can thank her for her help? I don't even try to be anything other than I am really, so you and I both know that I have never been the sweet tempered,Sunday school kinda gal. So if she left you some contact info, I'll kindly tell her where she can shove her help! ;)

Maren and Dustin said...

Wow, the nerve of some people. The woman probably doesn't even have kids! Don't be so hard on yourself, no one in their right mind would take that any other way than you did! And I hate the post office, especially with kids. Has anyone in the government actually ever tried to take kids PLUS packages to the post office? If they did maybe they'd actually do something about it...

Kristi said...

Oh my Lanta, KLasey--the nerve of that woman! Thanks but no thanks you old bat!!! :) I am evil. But I loved your post--you always make me laugh!!!!

PS--You are a good mom!!!