I was digitizing my old photos today and couldn't pass this one up.

Yes, this would be me when I was 4 years old. The chubby-faced, straggly-haired little girl on the left holding a triple-scoop ice cream cone. Did I say three scoops?! Holy cow! What 4-year-old can eat that much ice cream? Me, I guess.
Look at my sis Jen. She's much more moderate in her ice cream indulgence with just one scoop. Of course, she was only 2 then and couldn't talk. I bet if she could have talked, she would have said something like, "Hey, give me more ice cream! Why does Chubby get 3 scoops and I only get a lousy one scoop? Cheapskates."
So this is how it all began. For those of you who know me, you know that I am constantly trying to go "off-sugar." Moderation does not exist for me. One cookie leads to a dozen cookies. There are simply no brakes in my car. It is all or nothing for me. And sadly, I do much better at all than nothing.
Not that I'm blaming this on the wonderful parental unit that got me hooked in the first place. Nope. I'm just saying, "Wow, look how early it began in my life." Nice, 70's outfit too, huh? Groovy, man.