Saturday, June 16, 2007

Ma'am, We're Gonna Have to Ask You to Step Away From the Shovel and the Paint Roller and the Sewing Machine and.....

Ma'am, while you're at it, please hand over that credit card.

So I'm pretty sure I've got some sort of mental health issue here. I looked up mental obsession on Wikipedia and here's what we've got (with my comments inserted in parenthesis):

"Mental obsession is an obsession that may cause mental, physical, or even emotional pain (no, not really other than the pain of realizing I really might be crazy). The condition can lead to insomnia (yes, definitely from staying up too late working on projects) as well as other health-related issues, and may keep you from focusing on more important tasks such as work or social activities (such as mailing a father's day card to your dad or remembering your visiting teaching appointment!!).

Well, it looks like I mostly fit that description so I guess it must be true. The latest examples of my mental obsession (we'll say MO for short) are of course, the yard. Then it got too hot so I had to focus my MO elsewhere. That led to repainting the family room, painting the kids' room, painting my room, painting my bathroom. And when I say painting, I mean rolling it up and then finishing the line where wall and ceiling meet with the size of paintbrush that comes in your kids' watercolor set. Man, I'm kind of embarrassed telling you all this. But oh well, the first step to recovery is admitting and confessing.

Next there was the case of the fancy dresses for Emma's tap number at the Primary talent show. A normal, reasonable person would have just bought something from the dress-up aisle of Wal-Mart. But not a person with MO. Nope. A person with MO would decide to sew the dresses herself. (It was actually pretty fun, but I still felt MO-ish doing it.)

Anyway, if you've got any good tranquilizers, let me know. Or maybe I should just get pregnant again. That will knock me out for a good three months--absolutely no other activity besides puking and staring at the carpet.


Hayley said...

great term "MO" - don't worry though, i'm pretty sure we all suffer from MO in our own special ways. your blog is fun & entertaining!

Heather said...

Too funny! I can so relate, in our family we call it one- tracking. I suffer as well. Can't wait to see the girls dresses.

Kristi said...

Girl--you are MO-tivated, not MO. Although, you make me wish I was a little MO because I'm more LA-zy. The dresses were honestly so wonderful. You are one talented chick. Thanks again for making the dress and for teaching Brin the dance. I want to see all of these rooms you've painted!

Holly O. said...

The dresses look pretty amazing (we saw a picture on Kristi's blog). With talent like that, I can see why you were MO'ing. And let's see some pictures of all these rooms you are painting!

Unknown said...

kasey, we're not going to let you into the inner blogging circle if you keep overachieving like this. :) just kidding. you are an inspiration to lazy girls like me.

Kristi said...

Wish you were in Austin!!