My Other Job Is With the CIA
Unfortunately the details of my job with the CIA are classified. It's a matter of national security. But I can tell you all about my slightly less exciting life in the private sector.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Where Did This Kid Come From?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Help Me Obi Wan Kenobi, You're My Only Hope
Sunday, June 12, 2011
How to Poison Your Husband Without Really Trying

Does your husband have it coming? Has he been super snarky and grumpy? Does he need to learn a little lesson he won’t soon forget? Yes? But what can you possibly do, you might ask. You don’t really want to kill him. You just want to make his life miserable for a few hours. If this is a situation in which you find yourself, I have a solution for you. I can tell you how to poison your husband without actually killing him. This method will clean him out from top to bottom, make his throat scratchy and hoarse and leave him moaning and repenting on the couch all night.
As added benefits, it will cure him of drinking out of the jug and your girlfriends will thank you. Why will they thank you? Because your husband will tell their husbands how you tried to kill him and those husbands will then shape up right quick lest their wives poison them too.
It really is embarrassingly easy. Almost no effort is needed on your part. As long as he likes to drink juice and drink it out of the jug, you are set. Here are the basic items you will need:
1) an apple juice jug
2) cooking oil
I know what you're thinking. That's it? That's too easy! Yes, it really is that easy. As with most things in life, there's no need to overcomplicate it. Simplicity. That is the key.
I will put this in action for you so you know how it works and can make your own plans. The next time you fry something, save the oil and put it in an empty apple juice jug. Store it away for a couple of months. If you don’t have a couple of months, just empty an apple juice jug and fill it half full of cooking oil.
Now it's showtime. Make something yummy for dinner. How about some chicken flautas with a green chili enchilada sauce and sour cream and cheese sprinkled on top? If you have 40 leftover flour tortillas from the father-son campout, this recipe is a great way to use them up.
The next part is crucial. Plan your alibi. Think of or invent somewhere you need to go as soon as your husband comes home. Perhaps your daughter has her church activity days meeting that night. Perfect. Just set the scene and get yourself out of the house. Why is this so important? There are several reasons. First, when the poisoning is about to take place, you don't want to inadvertently let the cat out of the bag by some nervous giggle or unnatural behavior on your part. Second, you don't want your 8-year-old daughter, who could potentially be smarter than your husband, to alert him to what he is about to do. Third, you don’t want to risk having a last-minute change of heart and intervene at the last moment. And last, you need to be far far away from the scene of the crime so you can feign astonishment with a convincing degree of credibility.
Are you with me still? Ok, so let’s get it set up. Leave the frying pan with oil on the stove. Don't worry about cleaning up the kitchen. Just leave it messy. Place the jug of oil on the counter. Be sure to leave the apple juice label on. (By the way, the oil does not have to be cold for this to work. See I told you this was easy!)
When your husband comes home, tell him dinner is on the table and that you have to leave and will be back in an hour. Immediately leave the house. You’ve set the trap and now it is time for your husband to walk right into it. I know it sounds a little unbelievable. No one in their right mind would possibly do this! Who would drink oil thinking it was apple juice? Wouldn’t he notice the strong smell of oil as he went for a drink? Wouldn’t he recoil the very moment it touched his lips? Wouldn’t the fact that it wasn’t cold alert him to something being off? These are all valid questions but they are irrelevant. Like a creature of habit, your husband will not take time to process these considerations until the self-inflicted poison is running down his throat.
When you do arrive home, your reaction is very important. He will accuse you of poisoning him. You need to be prepared to dismiss these allegations. You must act astonished. You must alternate between hysterical laughter, sympathy and horror. Look at him with an incredulous expression and say something like, “You did what?! How did you not know as soon as it touched your mouth?"
Be careful not to act too calm about it. Refrain from saying things like, “I see you took the bait, you old dog.” Or “Boy, you made that too easy didn’t you?”
And by all means, wait until you are around the corner and out of sight to do your victory fist pump.
Great Wolf Lodge
Friday, December 17, 2010
Keeping It Country

For all of you with a Deseret Industries thrift store in your state, I thought I would let you know that they don't sell gift cards for their store. Just in case you were wondering, trying to find something super special for your Valentine. The answer is no. Nope. Nada. So save yourself a trip and try somewhere else instead. If you don't know what DI is, it's like a Goodwill or Salvation Army but it's owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I came across this disappointing piece of news several weeks ago when I was talking to my mom over Christmas break. My sister Becky was trying to figure out what to get my dad for Christmas. Let me tell you a little bit about my dad. He is the most kind-hearted generous man I know. His favorite restaurant is McDonalds. He likes to exercise at Walmart by doing laps around the store while reading the "trash" magazines. And he loves loves loves shopping at the thrift stores. He would absolutely adore a gift card to DI. If you gave him the choice of a gift card from one of these three places: Nordstrom, an expensive restaurant and DI, he would take DI hands down. That's just the great guy that he is, bless his heart.
So my mom said something like this to Becky, "Well, your dad loves shopping at DI. Why don't you get him a gift card there?"
And Becky said something like, "Why not? I'll hop in the car right now and go get me one of those little babies." And she really did. So Becksters pulled up to the store, walked inside and said to the cashier, "Hi, I'd like to buy a gift card."
The cashier just burst out laughing.
So sadly, there you have it. No gift cards! Can you even believe that? They are losing out on some big-time opportunities, I tell you what. Well, I hope this was helpful for someone out there, maybe saved someone a trip. At the very least, it gave me a good laugh.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeams Teacher
Friday, January 15, 2010
My Latest Obsession

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Why Melinda Will Never Ask Me to Babysit Again
A while ago my sister-in-law and her husband went on vacation and I got to babysit my cute little niece Ava. Ava loved Emma--and especially Emma's room. Ava loved Evan and how fun he was to play with. Ava loved me and followed me around calling me Mama because she couldn't say Aunt Kasey. And Ava loved Uncle Michael more than all of us because...well, I don't really know why. But to her he might as well be Santa Claus.
There was one person in the house who Ava did not love. There was one person who I must admit, was not very nice. One person in our house had his own secret weapon for striking terror into his older cousin's heart. Let me just put it this way: When Melinda later asked Ava about her stay at Aunt Kasey's, she had this to say, "Zee-ah bite. Zee-ah bite."
Yes, it is true. I had to dive in numerous times to prevent my little jaws from setting his chomping mouth onto his cousin. While I believe I saved her 99% of the time from actual infliction, she did go home with teeth marks. Whether it was Zay or his younger-cousin Peter, with whom Ava also stayed, is not known. It is most likely though that the culprit lives in my house.
Each time I would discipline the little turkey, he would do this chomping jaws thing with a naughty smile on his face. I was sooo not happy with him, but at the same time it was just a little bit funny. He knew he was being bad and he was showing me exactly how he was terrorizing poor Ava.
After Ava left, we tried to see if we could catch Mr. Jaws on camera.
Monday, January 4, 2010
It's Always Fun When Grandpa Comes
Back in October Michael had to go to Utah to conduct some business. We thought it would be fun for him to take Evan along for some one-on-one time and to visit the grandparents. Since Evan doesn't attend school yet, it was the perfect opportunity.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Going Overboard Again
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Week of Exploding Eggs and Fish Food and Fire Ants from Hell

Belize Baby
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Go Cougars!

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Digital Scrapbooking

Saturday, August 1, 2009
Slamming the Door in My Face

Saturday, July 18, 2009
In Disguise
Friday, July 17, 2009
Puppy Love
Friday, July 10, 2009
You Have to Be Just a Little Bit Crazy To Do This
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
What Have I Done?!
How to Get Poop Out of Carpet
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Home Sweet Home...Almost
Wanted For Causing Mayhem

Friday, April 10, 2009
Thoughts From the Move
Ok, not really. Not that last part. But as I was driving away I did notice the dumpsters behind the box store and a certain large cardboard recycling dumpster with the most perfect giant HDTV box. What goes around comes around baby. I think it was karma. So I returned later that day in my super stealthy minivan and fished out that box right under the nose of Mr. Box Store Person while giggling maniacally, "Hee Hee. Hee Hee Haw Haw. Hee Hee Hee Ho Ho Haw Haw."

Is This Normal Baby Behavior?
Sunday, March 29, 2009
My Husband Might Leave Me Over This

Saturday, March 28, 2009
You Can't Take It With You When You Go

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Barfing Is Ruining My Social Life

Michael was out of town last week on a biking trip in West Texas. It was me and the kiddos 24-7 with no changing of the guard. I wasn't too worried about it. He travels fairly often and since I'm a fairly independent gal, it's not that big of a deal. Usually, the kids and I eat cereal for dinner and watch movies in his office. Then I stay up late painting rooms in my house. This time around I had all sorts of social events lined up.