Unfortunately the details of my job with the CIA are classified. It's a matter of national security. But I can tell you all about my slightly less exciting life in the private sector.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Texas Pride

Friday, December 19, 2008
Star Wars Sports Allegiances
The second thing that my kids love is University of Texas football. Since we've been in Austin, Michael has become a Longhorns fan. Emma especially has followed suit and is a fiercely loyal and rabid fan. And as befits a Texas fan, anything Oklahoma is verboten.
These kids work themselves up into a frenzy shouting into the phone, "Oklahoma is not ok! Oklahoma is not ok!"
I think the whole Texas loyalty thing is fun, but I did start to become concerned when the kids were completely clueless about my alma mater, BYU.
Here are the Star Wars pictures Becky "found" to show the kids. I just had to share.
This one is my personal favorite:

Emma was pretty quick though on the comeback for the Darth Vader picture. After protesting up and down that this picture was NEVER in the movie, she finally said, "Well, that was when he turned back to the good side."
Friday, December 12, 2008
Musings on Men in Tights

I took Emma to the Austin Children's Nutcracker tonight. It's performed at the Dougherty Arts Center, which is a really small venue. Most of the show is put on by kids in high school or younger with a couple of adult guest artists. It was perfect for taking a 6-year-old. She was so excited to go and it was really nice to spend some time together, just the two of us.

Just a suggestion. It might improve ticket sales.
Monday, December 8, 2008

Also on December 8th...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Goodbye old friend
Friday, November 21, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Family Photos
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
You Might Be a Redneck If....
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Halloween Costumes
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Birthday to the World's Best MIL!
A special birthday post goes out to the world's greatest mother-in-law! Especially since I forgot to call her today. Oops. And when I called Michael in San Antonio at 10:30 tonight, hoping that at least he'd remembered to call her, he had forgotten too. Double oops.
I remembered yesterday. And the day before. The intentions were good but the follow-through was lacking. So Happy Happy Birthday Mom from Michael and I! Sorry we're such losers.
Seriously though, I have the world's greatest mother-in-law. First of all, she raised a pretty awesome son which I am very grateful for. And she has been the nicest, most fun, best to chat with, best to make you feel welcome over and over again, best to shop with, best to help decorate your house, best to make delicious pies to eat and best at lots of other things I could list but I won't because it's 2 a.m. and I really need to get to bed mother-in-law EVER. And the grandkids are pretty crazy about her too.
Happy Birthday! We love you.
And yes, I think this will be my new Halloween costume:

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Evan's 4th Birthday

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Is it Wrong That I Find This Funny?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Are They Trying to Sell Clothes with Mirrors Like Those?!

I snuck out tonight to do some shopping at Tar Zhay without the kiddos. I tried on some clothes and while doing so caught a glance of my backside in their lovely mirrors.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Into the Closet
Isaiah is about six months old now and has been sleeping in our room since he was born. He still likes to check in with me every few hours to tell me how he's doing and ask for some warm milk. As much fun as these late-night to early-morning chats are, I started thinking I'd like to try sleeping through the night, or something close to that.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
You Know You Need a Style Overhaul When

Friday, September 5, 2008
Ask a Ninjormon
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Hip Hip Hooray

I used to love love X-files, and Agent Mulder naturally, despite being a big chicken when it comes to scary stuff. Who knew what a good year 2008 would be for movies! The release date is July 25th I believe.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Emma's Fancy Party
If there is one book that has pegged Emma and me, it is that one. Emma is such a little Nancy who loves to fancy everything up and I am unashamedly the simple white T-shirt and jeans mom. But for this birthday, I tried to change my unfancy ways.
Here are the girls all dressed up:
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Quantum of Solace

Hooray, they finally released the trailer for the new James Bond movie Quantum of Solace. It's due out in November. Can I just say Daniel Craig as the new James Bond rocks my world!
This upcoming movie looks good, but it will probably not come close to Casino Royale, one of the best Bond movies ever....in my humble opinion. This time around there will be no more sensitivity from Mr. Bond, James Bond. Alas. But console yourself: there will still be his amazing physique, kick-butt prowess, expensive suits and fast cars. And he does have the British accent. The end. We're pretty deep over here tonight, huh?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Parenting Advice

It was just me and the two boys. Evan was behaving remarkably well but Isaiah was in complete meltdown mode. No amount of bouncing or switching positions was working. I tried not to make eye contact with too many annoyed customers and blow it off by saying that he just didn't like waiting in line. This might be true. After all, it makes me want to howl when I have to wait in those excruciatingly slow postal lines.
So as I was waiting, some lady came up to me and handed me a piece of paper on which she had written: Quantum Touch, Richard Gordon. "You should check this out," she said, indicating my screaming infant.
I'm sure she is a very kind woman. I'm sure she meant well. But this sort of rubbed me the wrong way today.
Now if I were a humble, teachable gal, one who was slow to anger and willing to receive instruction, I would probably be thinking now, "Oh, thank you so much kind lady. You are right. I need the wisdom that quantum touch offers. My baby is howling not because I had to wake him up to take my daughter to gymnastics or because he needs a diaper change or because he's coming up on a feeding soon but because I am inept as a mother. If only I knew how to create a high vibrational field of life-force energy and direct that healing energy on him, he would be calm. Thank you for showing me the way to Richard Gordon."
And I would be telling all of you pathetic, negligent mothers whose children also scream and misbehave in public to get it together and learn how to amplify your chi so you can shut those kids up because they're driving everyone crazy.
But I am not humble or teachable so I am not thinking or saying any of this with anything but sarcasm. I know, I know it's not very Sunday School of me to be that way but at least I'm honest about it.
I am also by nature a skeptic, so these types of approaches to healing usually leave me doubting. However, because I think she did mean well and because some of you may have a little more faith than me, here's the link: http://www.quantumtouch.com/.
Get back to me if it works. But please, not when my baby is screaming.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
To My Unsympathetic Husband
I think you are a very kindhearted individual. I know you value life and don't like to hurt most living creatures (with the exception of mosquitoes, cockroaches and cats). And I know that when you say you will take care of the creepy crawlies that come into my house, you are really setting them free in the greenbelt behind the house.
However, tonight your sympathy was misplaced. I was the victim, not Sammy. I was the one who was so scared and startled she screamed and nearly dropped the garbage on the lawn, not Sammy. I was the one in danger of being bitten, not Sammy. Sammy is not the innocent party here, so stop defending him. Is he like your new BFF or what?
The first time I told you that Sammy had come around, you said not to worry. Sammy was just passing through. But when I swung the gate open at dusk today to throw away the garbage, Sammy was back. And he was very very very rude to me. This is what he did when I opened the door on him:

Exactly like that. In fact, that is actually his very own picture. Yep, say hi to your BFF Sammy. And how did I manage to get his picture? Well, you will never believe this but there happened to be a National Geographic photographer who was hiding in the bushes snapping pictures of cardinals and as soon as he heard the hissing he ran over and shot off a roll for me.
There it is. Now what do you have to say?
So it's obvious that Sammy has taken residence at our house and is behaving very badly, hissing, staring me down, making alarming sounds as he slithers away.
As I see it you have two choices, Mr. Snake Lover. It's me or Sammy. Take your pick.
P.S. If it makes you feel better, perhaps you can keep him with you at all times...on a nice pair of boots. ASAP!!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Now Scheduling House Tours

I don't normally get through half of that in two and a half weeks. Nope, not even for company such as Michael's live-in family or Michael's lawyer or Michael's civil engineer. Sadly, no. Usually, I'm like, "Hey, do you mind stepping around all the toys on the stairs?" Or "Don't mind the piles of laundry and pieces of cut-up paper and stale bread crusts and plastic bags and Superman figurines and cups of water and pieces of scotch tape and children's underwear scattered randomly across the house. Oh, and if you'd like a sanitary bathroom experience, I'd recommend peeing outside. Thanks, it's nice to see you too."
These days I usually settle for one space in my house looking cleanish and call it good. But it felt so nice today to have a straightened-up house once again. It is a sad commentary on my slothful nature that the only thing that bestirs me out of my lazy chair is someone taking a tour of every nook and cranny in my house. If only someone would take a tour of my house every week, I might be able to avoid falling back into the pit of squalor from whence I came.
So to keep this clean thing going, I am now scheduling free house tours. Yes, that's right. Hurry and act now. Just email me back with your preferred day and time. And please make sure to ask to see all closets and drawers. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity!
Monday, June 2, 2008
She Flies Through the Air With the Greatest of Ease
Here's what I did on Saturday night:
So Michael got this great idea for us to learn how to fly on the trapeze. The Crossings Hotel had a trapeze group there for a few weeks that was offering trapeze classes. Michael, of course, was peeing his pants he was so excited. I, however, am a little--shall we say "uncomfortable"--with heights and wasn't quite so enthused. I kept trying to get out of it. No such luck.
We arrived at the class and they started us off on the low bar. You have to grab the bar, wrap your legs around, drop your arms, etc. Just the basic playground stuff. We all got one shot to do that and then they explained how we were going to do this at 50 feet in the air.
Before I knew it, I was climbing up a very narrow ladder to a very small platform and trying not to look down. Granted, there's a net below and once you reach the top, they hook the safety wires onto your harness. Still, we're talking 50 feet in the air leaning forward with your toes over the edge. That was definitely the scariest part. Once I hopped over the edge and started flying, it was fun.
We got to do two runs on the trapeze and then they let us try the catch, which is where another person catches you in midair.
Ooops. How embarrassing. Somebody was supposed to spin around in midair and catch the return trapeze. Maybe I'd better stick with the CIA. I guess it's not bad for my first time though.
So now that my feet are firmly planted on the ground, I can say I'm glad that I tried it. I did something that scares me and am now a little less scared...hopefully.
By the way, for all you ladies out there, the best part is that it's the closest thing you'll get to having a "rescued-by-Superman" moment. You're flying in the air, feeling a little nervous and vulnerable, when suddenly a buff, handsome man rescues you and says, "Come with me." I was like, "Ok, whatever you say."
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Roast Goose Anyone?

When you see this picture, you may think to yourself, "Oh, what a nice little goose. How peaceful he looks just swimming along by himself."
Well, in the words of Monty Python (a personal favorite of mine): "That's no ordinary goose. That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered fowl you ever set eyes on. That goose's got a vicious streak a mile wide; it's a killer!" (Yeah, yeah, I know Tim the enchanter was really talking about a rabbit--BUT if he had met this goose he would have said the same thing about this goose.)
Last Thursday night when we were renting the house on Lake LBJ, Melinda and I were dying of heat stroke so we decided it would be fun to go jump in the lake. There was a boat dock at the house and some big rocks in the middle of the lake that we wanted to swim out to. We walked down to the dock and stuck our feet in. The water was a little bit cold so we sat a while on the dock. I finally jumped in and started swimming over to the rocks.
Then, out of nowhere, this goose flew over my head and landed in the water about ten feet away, facing me. Normally, this would be no big deal, right? After all, ducks and geese are cute and nice and always so appreciative of the bread crumbs that they are fed. But this was no nice goose. This goose started swimming towards me, its neck and head low to the water, hissing. I started screaming, laughing and swimming like mad to get to the rocks and away from this goose. I really felt quite vulnerable and scared but at the same time it seemed utterly absurd that I was being chased by a goose.
Meanwhile on the dock, the crowd was going crazy. Melinda and Emma were yelling at the goose and throwing acorns, pebbles and small sticks at it to get it to leave me alone. Evan was jumping up and down, crying and screaming hysterically. Autumn was taking pictures; because whether I am murdered by a goose or not, it would make an interesting clip to watch on YouTube. Ah, the American way.
So here I am now. I finally got to the rocks. The goose was closing in. I was terrified he was going to land on top of me and start attacking. Frantically, I pulled myself up onto the rocks, cutting up my knees and arms in the process. I stood up on the rocks--now bleeding all over the place--and tore off a tree branch for protection. He finally backed off, obviously cowed by my larger size and the scary-looking bit of twig and leaves I was shaking at him.
I discovered later that there was a female goose sitting on a nest between the rocks. So I guess I should be forgiving and not hold a grudge towards this goose because, after all, he was just trying to protect his family. But you know, he could have been a little nicer. Why didn't he simply ask me to swim in a different direction? Really, he was quite rude about the whole thing. And so territorial. Like the whole lake belonged to him.
And so every time I saw the goose that weekend it was all I could do not to run and give him a good kick in the rump. If anyone has a hunting license and a hankering for some roast goose, I've got the place for you.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Family Vacation at Lake LBJ

5. Nathan's impression of George W. Bush on American Idol.
4. Cousins playing together, running wild and enjoying every minute of it.

3. Joel's impression of an NRA member.
2. Joel doing karaoke to "I'm Too Sexy." Too funny by far! (Since I gave him 2 of the top 10, we'll see if he'll stop over from chatting it up on Cougar Board to leave a comment. )
And the #1 slot goes to......:
1. No contest here--Melinda and her character Maria who wants to dance like John Travolta if she can only get rid of her J-Lo booty. Oh my goodness, this girl is hilarious! I had no idea. I was giggling like a school girl.
Thanks for the memories everyone!